Thursday 17 September 2009

HW 4 comment 1

Samantha, I enjoyed reading your blog a lot. You have a very casual tone in the way that you write. As I read your blog I felt as though it was like any other conversation that we have. I understand that you don’t view technology as a good or bad thing, much like myself. It seems like you only view 3 things that potentially consume your world. My favorite part of your blog is how you feel tied down by technology, yet music is what fuels you as well.
Your argument about music is extremely relatable to many people in the world. I agree that people do tend to dictate the music they play by the moods they are in; and that’s why during every train ride you may feel the need to play your ipod. As for myself I tend to zone out on the train and music helps make that possible.
There is not much that I would tell you to change about your arguments. I fell they are very strong and help support your argument. I did notice you lacked transitions in the begging of the post of did use them later on. I would like to recommend though that in future blogs you should use transitions into new ideas and get a better opening sentence.
When I first thought of doing this HW assignment I didn’t consider all the different view people could take it. From the discussions in class and reading your post I realized I need to take my view into a smaller account. I approached this topic too broad, reading your blog has made me consider just how much I depend on technology. I too value all my electronics, it might be in a different way but I do. Overall knowing you on a personal level I feel like you truly believe in your arguments. Reading your blog was a pleasure and I look forward to seeing what other new interesting ideas you have to offer.

I’m not quite sure why I was assigned to will since he is not in the class but whatever.
Will, I enjoyed reading your post. I liked the angle that you took. I appreciate your view on the topic. So far from what I have read, you seem to view our unit differently. I also liked how strong your points are.
I cant say you had a main focus to your paper because you ran through topics so frequently. An occurring theme might be that you are fascinated with the speed at which technology is moving. Cell phones in particularly have left a strong impression on you.
I agree that social net working has been taken to new heights. It seems like everyone wants to know when the newest Myspace or facebook is going to come out, even though they all do the same things. I didn’t get the chance to mention that in my blog but I agree a lot with that.
I liked your comment on how people view others internet use, this might be worth expanding. You mention that critics think the internet “dumb’s you down”. Can you visualize the critic’s point of view? What action’s do we take that might allow them to think we are becoming dumber? I also feel as though your first paragraph started off very strong, your second paragraph, however, was a bit more unorganized although I feel you made some very valid points. I like how you have strong opinions but I wish you could go more in depth with them, you sort of just run past them even though they’re so strongly written.
In your first couple of sentences you made me consider new things about this unit that I never thought of. You mentioned that people who do not use the internet frequently, waste their lives as well as the people who do. My dad always complains about my frequent use of the internet and how I’m wasting my life. But to think of it there are not much more exciting things to do in the day regardless of how I spend it. Overall I think you have some very solid ideas as a writer and look forward to reading future posts.


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