Saturday 12 September 2009

New thoughts and theories

It’s hard for me to understand older people when they look at younger generations and scold our use of technology. I feel as though digitalization has become a part of everyday life. In the morning I make sure I don’t leave the house without my cell phone, ipod, money and keys. Maybe because I have grown up on being digitalized which has become second nature and I no longer think of it as odd, but I honestly don’t see a problem here.
I understand that lots of people spend their days consumed into being digitalized as well as myself. I am usually always connected to something whether it’s my phone that never leaves my hand or on the computer on some website. I actually think that people who are obsessed with technology at a young age could possibly help our future generations; it might result in pushing technology to new heights. I actually do like that even as a child technology has helped me. I grew up hating math and I’m not saying the computer math games helped a lot but they made math semi fun.
Those are some of my thoughts I have on the new unit that. I think being digitalized is neither good nor bad but something that I’m surrounding by every day. I have no major ideas or theories yet because the unit is still very fresh in my head.


Blogger _ANDREW_ said...

I agree with you that the future generations are up to speed with technology, and are going to push the limtits to new hights. I also feel that technology is becoming second hand nature and soon were not going to be able to live with out it. Well In my opinon in the future soicety wont be able to function with out it.

14 September 2009 at 08:25

Blogger Sam Rios said...

what exactly is it about technology that you think if younger generations spend more time on it - will bring us to 'new heights'?

I like how you use the computer to show how learning styles can differ and make it possibly more enjoyable.

You said you don't think technology is good nor bad but what are the bad things about technology? Cause from what I'm reading you only talk about the helpfull things about the internet.

14 September 2009 at 08:27

Blogger Sam Rios said...

I like how you use the computer to show how learning styles can differ and make it possibly more enjoyable.
I understand for the most part you side with the greatness that comes from technology learning etc). There are some points that are unclear though, like when you said how you’re always connected. Connected as in always having it near you or connected on a deeper level?
I completely agree with you on always having your cellphone, i-pod, and stuff before you walk out the door. But I’m trying to think specifically why we do this ritually? I mean I absolutely love my i-pod and cellphone but when did I make this an everyday habit to bring this stuff everywhere I go? What about it makes me believe I need it everywhere I go? Why is it such a burden when I forget my phone or ipod and not my keys or wallet?
You said you don't think technology is good nor bad but what are the bad things about technology? Cause from what I'm reading you only talk about the helpful things about the internet. And knowing you personally, what do you mean by you grew up on technology? Mom and dad always tried to get us off of it make us go outside or do homework. It was discouraged in our household especially after what happened with Michelle and her computer (with Jonathon Torres).
Also you mentioned how younger generations are like more familiar with all this technology. What exactly is it about technology that you think if younger generations spend more time on it - will bring us to 'new heights'?
Andrew commented on your blog and said that the future won’t be able to live without technology. I’d like to disagree. I don’t think it’s a necessity; it’s more of just a want or something you have to fit in.
I feel like you’ve only thought about the outlines of digitalization. I’d really like to hear some deeper thoughts on different aspects that digitalization affects us (for example when Henry in class mentioned how technology eats away our patience and affects our reality because we expect everything else to be that fast).
I sincerely love you and I know you tried to think about this topic hard. Dig deeper though, you have make a lot of good points when you successfully express your ideas clearly.

20 September 2009 at 19:37

Blogger Lauren said...

I want to start off by saying thank you for your comment Sam. You had the perfect mixture of being critical yet caring at the same time. I also like how you added a personal touch to the comment. You made me laugh and reminisce on our childhood.
You seemed to have found my biggest flaw. I have a hard time trying to fully express the ideas that I have on my blog. I’ll try and take more time out to explain myself and get someone els to proof read my posts just to make sure they make sense. You helped me the most when it came to expanding my ideas. You took each main argument and viewed it in a different way. It’s as if you took things 2 steps further. I appreciate that because it’s helping me form better arguments. I mention that I hate leaving my ipod and cell phone home. I disregarded how little it affects me when I leave my keys or wallet home. Your right I guess it has to do with how I value different things in life.
You mention that in fact we didn’t grow up on technology. OK your right in the sense that as children we didn’t sit there for hours on a computer. But we always had a computer in the house and even had a cell phone in elementary school, in my eyes that’s growing up on it. You mention that mom and dad never wanted us on the computer. Now that I think of it I didn’t value the computer at all (from what I remember). Now it’s become a major part of my life. You made me start to think of how I rank some of the values in life and how they have changed through out the years.

21 September 2009 at 08:38

Blogger Lauren said...

(the continuation).......You and I both seem to take different views on the topic. As far as our posts I don’t think we are on the same page. You seem to agree with my ideas but don’t go into depth on the. What about my blog do you find so interesting?

21 September 2009 at 17:31


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