Sunday 27 September 2009


What are some thoughts and feelings you have when watching your own video?
When I was watching my video I didn’t like the silence. You mentioned that you prefer no music but without music my video just seemed dead and boring. I seemed boring, Gavin mentioned you looking like a zombie in your video, well I think I feel the same way. Overall I didn’t really like my video it wasn’t very lively. It was the truth though so I guess that’s how I always look when I’m on the internet.

Would you want your little sister (or future son) to spend a lot of time doing this stuff?
Hell no! My little sister would not be doing this. Although I think being a teenager and doing this is more acceptable. Because younger generation still have the knowledge thing going for them I don’t think spending time on the computer will help them much, they should experience things not view them online.

What do you think of ideas like the Wii that are supposed to make this contrast less stark?
I love the idea of having a Wii, it’s the best of both worlds. For people in life who think kids spend too much inside on video games can finally be at peace. Someone created a good solution for those parents who complain and the kids who live video games. I also feel like the Wii is just the start of interactive technology. I’m not sure what yet but I have a feeling it’s going to continue.


Blogger Yuki Sakura said...

I liI liked how your transition on the video was very nice and the answers to the questions have a tone of yourself speaking out.
I think I understand how not having music sort of ruins the mood of the video and that you do look rather bored. I agree on how the teenagers do need the electronics/digital to pass their lives and not too much for the little ones yet. It is too early for them to ruin their eye sight! But yet again, I don't think we can stop them from coming near to the digital once they are in the age of needing them or really want to have them. Since I don't have a wii, I'm not too sure about the excitement but I do agree that since the wii came out, it seems more active with that game controller because you get to swing around, do exercise and not just sit there in front of a digital.

I think filming yourself just like that seems rather boring because you only see the game and not what you are also doing with the digital. Not adding music declines the mood down. As I've already said, it’s too early for the little ones to ruin their eye sight and I think its better for the little kids to be more active when they are young. I wouldn't want my kids to be like that but I'm fine with my sister, she got glasses already. (Just joking)

I think you can have developed your answers to the wii question because you seem to have more to say when I read it. I think you could have smile in the video too! But its a video better than mine.~

I also considered in my life now that I've seen your video of how everybody seem to look like the same when they are in front of a digital, they looked bored or doesn't seem happy. However once you strike something interesting in the internet you would feel surprise but somehow it's not capture in the video. I wonder why that happens?

Love your video, you looked gorgeous! Hope to read your next wonderful post!~^-^

29 September 2009 at 15:06

Blogger angelhack_miki said...

Hi Lauren!

I like how you thoughtfully answer the questions. I agree that not having a bit of sounds make the video seem a bit lifeless. I would loved to add sounds into mine as well but I lack technology skills =P Watching ourselves looking like zombies we wouldn't want our siblings to be the same, following in our footsteps staring at technology all day makes us like lifeless dolls without a mind of our own. It's as if the digital world has take over our mind o.o'' I'm sort of denying that the world is moving forward or maybe I'm just slow but I don't really know what it is. All I know is that lots of people want that box that connects to your t.v. or something and you get to play games. Since I don't know how it works I would spent hours staring at it and trying to connect it to the t.v. Not everyone has much interest in technology like everyone else does.

By placing technology into our lives, we sacrifice valuable time that we could have spent with other and time to improve our skills. My sisters and brother spent so much time at home that the only time they go out is when we have school. I didn't like it since they were out on so much things they can't see in technology. People get angry over little things like when they lose in a game or when they are told to give the computer a rest.

I think it would be better if you show other technology that you use like watching t.v, playing games, etc. Video don't really need music so that people watching the video will understand the mood, you could also use expression =D I really like you response, it was very clear and deep. I agree that this digitalization will continue still the world is always looking for ways to develop.

If we could I think it would be great we could end the video with how the world would/look like if digitalization continues. Since most of the technology we use gives us a great ability to lie, will the world be filled with lies, will we ever drown in our world of lies

I really enjoy watching your video, and agree with your answers too.
(>'.')> Thank you for reading <('.'<)
Na L

30 September 2009 at 11:04


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