Sunday 2 May 2010

HW 52 - Initial Theories of Human Relationships

Insights and Theories:
-Humans have awkward relationships with themselves. We can’t help but always filter our thoughts and actions.
-The Beatles had it right when they said all you need is love. I think people really will do anything to hold onto the relationship they have with others. When true love is involved in relationships, people value that relationship to there highest priorities.
- In terms of structure and power, people normally pay attention to the loudest speaker. The loudest people usually get the most attention.
-Inner personal dynamics can be some of the hardest or easiest things to overcome. I wonder why some peoples relationship’s with them selves are stronger or weaker than others.
-Trail and error is one of the most natural ways in making decisions in social structures.
-Gender is becoming a light subject for my generation. So many people seem to be more comfortable with there sexuality. Lots of girls seems more open to the idea of becoming gay.
-Family is the most important thing to me; I was lucky enough to have a cool family that is easy to love.
-I would like to say I don’t think there should be standards or rules to how we live but I’m a strong believer in structure and order even if I chose not to follow then from time to time.


Do all humans need motivation? / What triggers motivation?
-Right now at the end of the school year the hardest thing for me to do is find motivation. There are obvious motivations like walking in graduation and going to college but my motivation gets clouded in the now.
How do humans learn social structure in a house hold?
-When people live together it can make or break a relationship. Why do some of these people never get along and change for one another [siblings].
Why do people make friends?
-I hear the saying all the time “God made friends because family sucks”.


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