Monday 8 February 2010

HW 39 - First School Assignment

Part A:
Please write 3 each of the most interesting, fascinating, powerful questions, ideas, and experiences you've encountered about school.

The most fascinating thing about school to me is how often I am allowed to prove myself. Although I don’t often deliver 100% I like that I always have the opportunity to do my best. The best experience I had in school was my 8th grade year, this year all the crap got cleared from my head and I finally realized how capable I was of being independent. On that note my worst experience of school was also in 8th grade. I was still in my cookie cutter phase and thought my friends at the time would be life long ones; with lots of gossip and drama later I learned more about myself as an individual. School does a good job of pushing people to their limits and leaving tons of time for discovering themselves in the mean time. School allows us to build a character that we live our life by. Most people who play the bully or nice role in school continue those roles as they progress through life.

Part B:
Please explore one aspect or moment of school in a 2-4 paragraphs. Show us what's strange or great or awful about it. Talk about how you feel about it - how do you think it came to be - what consequences it produces.

Majority of our grown up life we are faced with deadlines, bills and responsibilities. School is the best foundation to build these qualities that life expects us to fulfill. Its strange how when I speak to grown ups they always say the same thing, “its just like high school.” I hear this for college, work environments, bills and everything else. If life is just a rerun of school I’m not looking forward to it; it makes me think what thought process was put into making the idea of school. People haven’t changed the style that much so why are we all so focused on maintaining this standard. Overall I think pushing the standards of what school expects to produce in children is the most interesting part.


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