Monday 30 November 2009

HW 26 - Photos & Questions

What is cool to you?
School is cool

What is uncool?

Drugs or people who pretend to be something they aren't in attempt to be cool.

What is cool about yourself?
Every fucking thing!!!
No... the fact that I don't care if I'm cool makes me cool

How much do people value cool things so much?
Whatever is cool is usually what;s "in". People always want to be in or apart of something. They probably think they need to be cool or have cool stuff to be accepted.

What is cool to you?
Cool, or trendy?
What ever way you want to take it.
I think electronics are really cool.

If wearing a hat became uncool would you stop? Why?
Probably not, I didn't know wearing a hat was "cool". Well i like hats and they cover my hair when its being annoying, plus they keep your head warm block the sunlight, that's the purpose of a hat, not to be trendy, they serve a function as well.

You use to hate waring name brand things, why has that changed over time?
Well, it's not that i didn't stop, well some brands have a certain quality or design, I don't buy it cause of the brand usually, but more because I know what kind of product I'm getting.

What is cool to you?
Cool to me is having a hobby that express what you feel.

If something you loved became uncool would that change your view or actions?
most thing I like are uncool so absolutely not.

What is cool today?
Pictures, tattoos, and clothing is cool to our generation.

Why does your style change?
Boredom. We overuse one thing and get bored and cling to the next.

How much do you think people value cool in there life?

Probably a little too much. I don't see the fun in being someone that everyone else is trying to be as well.

What is something everyone this is cool right now including yourself?
Vampires! or the idea of Vampires.

So say something you thought was really cool became uncool, would that change the way you view or act towards it?
Me personally, no. If I like something... I like it. Doesn't matter what other people think of it.

Why has your style changed overtime?
I just grew out of certain things with age I'd say.


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