Friday 14 May 2010

HW 56 - Interviews & Survey Question

My Research Question: Can zodiac signs predetermine how a relationship is going to play out, if so what are the chances that your zodiac sign is insignificant?

Interview Questions:
1. what is your zodiac sign?
2. do you know the zodiac sign of some of your ex's?
3. are your least compatible sings some of your worst relationships? (vice versa)
4. do you think having compatible signs make a difference?
5. when choosing a partner how important is matching a zodiac sign?
6. if you found out a potential partner is your opposite sign, would this matter?
7. do you feel restrained by your zodiac sign (when it comes to love/relationships)?

People to interview:
1. Leo
2. Yes
3. Actually, no. So far, signs haven t had any significant meaning in my relationships.
4. No, because not every Leo is the same, not every Aries, Capricorn, etc are the same. I think it all depends on the 2 individuals if the relationship will work out.
5. To me it s not important at all. I don t even ask people their signs.
6. No!
7. No. I don t even see myself as a typical Leo when it comes to relationships.

My research is based mainly on predetermining how a potential relationship will work out. I want to focus this on the predictions of zodiac signs and how compatible people should be. Jennifer said she doesn’t see herself as being a Leo in a relationship. This makes me think that people can have different personality traits in and out of a relationship.

1. Aries
2. Yes
3. I haven’t noticed anything significant but my past bad relationships had involved signs that clash with mine.
4. It could but I wouldn’t know.
5. A conversation like this wouldn’t come up until later on in the relationship.
6. No
7. No, not at all.

In this situation, he noticed that he clashed with his ex’s that are his opposite zodiac signs. Although they still had a functioning relationship, I cant determine if the cause of a bad relationship if other things or zodiac matching. Although he notices he does not get along with ex’s that oppose his zodiac sign it wont stop him from meeting potential partners. Matching zodiac signs are not a priority in relationships for him.

1. Pisces
2. Yes
3. No
4. Sometimes
5. Not that important
6. No
7. No

[Although her answers are short I spoke to her more about it over the phone and was unable to record her answers.] She mentioned that growing up in a Spanish house hold meant that her grandmother was very into things like spirits, the future, and Zodiac signs. She thinks that having matching zodiac signs can sometimes be important because if two people are alike then they should have no problem having a good relationship. This was surprising because It's much more common to hear people say opposites attract rather than two people whoa re alike.

Survey Question:
When choosing a potential partner how important is matching a zodiac sign?


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